Multiple Gab Wounds

Join Toni, Andi, and Angi every Thursday as we discuss discuss life; politics; black-owned businesses; geekiness; cultural issues; mental health; careers; sex; getting older; ridiculousness; social media; and TikTok. Tune in for some laughs and real honest talk from three Gen X women of color, who are sick of your (and often our own) S***.
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Ep. 16 Doordash-Gate and Pickle Bulls**t, The Third
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
This week we back on our pickle bulls**t ya'll! We taste test yet another pickle flavored food item.
We go over a few headlines and wonder why one of our regular nail techs defected...but not necessarily in that order.
Other topics include:
Doggie stories
Future vacation ideas
More Angi's headlines
Andi's Pop Culture
Dating in your teens and twenties
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Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke"
Thursday May 25, 2023
Ep. 15 Sloth, Snail, and Tortoise fu**ery Afoot
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
This week we reminisce about our Mother's Day outing to see a Boyz II Men concert. We try to figure out our next concert, and wonder if we're just built different...but in a good way.
Other topics include:
Auntie Sassy's antics
Modern Bird Watching
Bus woes
Boyz II Men history and fun facts
Dem toes tho
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Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke"
Sources for this episode:'s,27%20at%2010%20p.m.%20ET.
Thursday May 18, 2023
Ep. 14 Takkers, Enchararas, Moolies, and Muthaf****n T*tter Tots
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Today we discuss why you can’t be in our personal space and be funky. Also, do Crocs rock? Or are we old and ALL our shoes hurt?
Other topics include:
The life and loves of Toni.
Can a couple work…AND live together?
Andi’s pop culture report featuring Da Brat
Headlines – Big spoons and affordable islands
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Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke"
Thursday May 11, 2023
Ep. 13 Tribute To Mr. Andi and Pocket Full Of Ti***es
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
So what happens when old people try to take care of old people? Here's a hint, it ain't good, but somehow fairly hilarious.
We get to hear a little of the beautiful love story that is Andi and Mr. Andi; and try to figure out what makes some of us--by some of us, I mean Toni and Angi--all but lose their s**t when navigating DFW traffic.
Some other topics include:
You're not fat and/or stupid.
Pop Culture report ft. some interesting info about one of our favorite singers.
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Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke"
Thursday May 04, 2023
Ep. 12 Walking Safety and Let Dem Ti***es Out
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
In this weeks episode we discuss Frank Ocean and performance etiquette, as well as a few safety tips for women.
We also gab about reality TV, and hear about Andi's creepy home alone story.
Some other topics include:
Should people be "cancelled" for old sins
Black women and Asian men
Sh***y restaurant goers
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Ep. 11 When I’m King and Where’s The Emoji Bulls**t
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
In this weeks episode we discuss respect and reverence for life, and the lack thereof.
We also reminisce about our old cringy answering machine out-going messages, and of course, other ridiculousness.
Some other topics include:
Getting older sucks sometimes
Emoji mishaps
The style icon that is Donald Glover
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Mentioned in this episode:
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Ep. 10 Irregardless, Life Ain’t Nuthin But B****es And Money
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
In this weeks episode we discuss our experiences with technology throughout the years, and we ask the question, "What is dating really?".
We share out thoughts on our personal catalysts for change in our lives, and how we have to be way more careful these days.
Some other topics include:
Andi's awesome kids
Traffic vodka
Yet another concert
Listen, share, rate, and subscribe!
You can find us at
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Ep. 9 New Edition 40th and Please Clean Your A**hole
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
In this weeks episode we discuss the amazing time we had at the New Edition Legacy Tour concert. This tour also featured Tank, Guy, and Keith Sweat...who were great!
We share out thoughts on each set, our favorite NE members, after concert aches and pains, and Toni's hatred of Keith Sweat.
Listen, share, rate, and subscribe!
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Mentioned in this episode:
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Ep. 8 Escape Rooms and Shiny B****es
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Episode 8 was recorded on our last night at the cabin in the woods. A fun and relaxing time was had by all. We'll miss it.
Anyway, here are some of the topics you'll hear about in this episode.
Escape rooms and our love of them
Easter experiences
Our bad date stories
Our opinions on a Reddit "Am I The A**hole" story
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Ep. 7 High Roller Shenanigans and TikTok N***as
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Episode 7 has us reliving Vegas memories, and wondering why some people are allowed to even have the internet.
Topics include:
Squad vacays
Vegas story from 3 different POVs
Unsolicited TikTok advice
Social media and TikTok debates
Proper internet research
Listen, share, rate, and subscribe!
You can find us at
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at ...but don't be a dick, okay?
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Ep. 6 Hillocks and Pickle Beer
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Episode 6 is here, and ya'll, we acted a fool on this one!
Topics include:
Car rental attempted fleecing
Careful navigation through Oklahoma
Are women more "emotional" than men
D**KS... all of them
Pickle Beer tasting and review
Hood You Rather
Trans women ARE women
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You can find us at
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at
However, you can miss us with your negative BS.
Featured in this episode:
We bought our Best Maid Sour Pickle Beer at Kroger in North Texas. Google it and see where it's available near you.
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Ep. 5 Spa N****s and CHEESE
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Episode 5 coming to you from a cabin in the woods.
Have some laughs with us as we relax and shrug off some of the stressors of 2023.
Some of today's topics include:
Manners and etiquette in today's society
Teeth (and the lack thereof) woes
Korean spas and n***a shit. Don't do it people.
Listen, share, rate, and subscribe!
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at
However, you can miss us with your negative BS.
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Ep. 4 No Bad News and Clone/Human hookups
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Episode 4 locked and loaded.
We had some great topics today and a fun time discussing them. Sound issues still tried to derail us, but the episode turned out great regardless...we are UNSTOPPABLE!
Some of today's topics include:
Reading and the lack thereof
Twitter Porn
House buying woes
Clone/Human sex
Are we adults yet?
Listen, share, rate, and subscribe!
You can find us at
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Also find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at
However, you can miss us with your negative BS.
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Ep. 3 Maturity B*****s and Tig Ol Crysties
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Please enjoy the vocal stylings of Donna, as hers was the only microphone working properly. We'll figure this s**t out...eventually.
Episode 3 comin at cha!
In this episode we're talkin about:
Allyship don’ts
Donna’s wedding shenanigans
Crystals – what they are and how to use them
Sustainably sourced crystals
Best crystals for whatever ails ya Listen, rate, and subscribe!
You can find us at or wherever you get your podcasts.
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, constructive feedback, or words of encouragement at
However, you can miss us with your negative BS.
Also find us on:
Twitter - @MGW_PodcastInstagram - @mgwpodcastTikTok - @mgwpodcastYouTube - @mgwpodcastFacebook -
Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Ep. 2 Road Snakes, and There’s No Under The Bed In The Tub
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Road Snakes, and There’s No Under The Bed In The Tub
We did it again! Episode 2 ya'll!!
In this episode we're talkin about:
Turtle trauma (They're reptiles ya know)
Phobias and bad friends
Catching dem sibling hands
Our parents shouldn't have let us watch that
Stop it white people
Our high yella children
Listen, rate, and subscribe!
You can find us at or wherever you get your podcasts.
Feel free to email us your show ideas, stories, or words of encouragement at However, you can miss us with your negative BS.
Also find us on:
Twitter - @MGW_Podcast
Instagram - @mgwpodcast
TikTok - @mgwpodcast
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Music by - T-Pain "Juke" -